出发地点:未关联 |
浙江 游记 |
同行人数:0人 |
文章类型:游记 |
出游时间:未添加 |
人均费用:0元 |
出游类型:自助游 |
享受级别:体验生活,苦中带乐 |
爱自由旅游网自游人 提供 |
交通工具:火车为主 |
In the silence of night, I walked along the Lakeside, A voice, as if from the dark unseen world, flowing into my mind, Soft and sweet, telling me the feelings of Farewell in the rain. Distressed, I began to realize, what brought the two minds together. A saying, acknowledged by all, said those of the same fate, could meet from far apart, So, the two, from north and south, got acquainted at the paradise-Hangzhou. Seeing the little ones coming into this world, I saw terrified Bany turned into overjoyed. Could my shoulder be a soft pillow to rest your head, I will then be at ease. So much we talked with trust, in each other over kinds of topics. So less could be expressed, even a word, at the moment of parting. What made the Westlake, the Lake of Heaven, so more beautiful, My beloved, Bany, flew into me, and brought the brightness to thee. If I could walk just like this into the dream of myself alone, then The time we spent, would be rising again like the sun, shining over you and me.
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